Sleep Apnea & TMJ Treatment - Waco, TX

Sleep Apnea & TMJ Treatment

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Don't Let Sleep Apnea Control Your Life

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airway completely collapses during sleep, blocking airflow into the lungs. It can cause chronic sleepiness, stroke, heart attack, heartburn, morning headaches, depression and/or high blood pressure. Breathing issues in young children can also alter the development of their facial structure. When left untreated, sleep apnea in Waco, TX may be potentially life threatening. Common signs of obstructive sleep apnea include:

Open Airway Vs Obstructive Airways

sleep apnea Treatment

If you have noticed sleep apnea symptoms in yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to contact Dr. MillerDr. Green, and Dr. Hinds about sleep apnea treatment in Waco, TX. Working with your physician, we offer several treatment options and reduce the associated health risks without the need for surgery, medications or more cumbersome therapy. One common treatment for OSA is a custom made mouth guard that is only worn while you sleep. The mouth guard helps to prevent airway collapse and other obstructions, often by holding your jaw in a specific position.

Dental Sleep Study/Sleep Apnea Treatment Finds Heart Issues - Waco, TX - Creekwood Dental Arts

TMJ problems ?

Many people have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems related to the involuntary habit of clenching or grinding their teeth (bruxism). Surprisingly, these habits may occur during the day and/or at night while you sleep.

TMJ problems may also be caused by arthritis in the jaw joint, stress, chronic pain issues or trauma to the head, neck or jaw. Problems with TMJ in Waco, TX can result in:


Dr. Hinds

Night Guards in Waco, TX

TMJ Treatment in Waco, TX.

To relieve these painful symptoms our dentists are pleased to offer TMJ Treatment in Waco, TX. Dental treatments to solve these problems are varied. They may include replacing missing teeth, moving teeth, low-level laser therapy, adjusting your bite, filling gaps between the teeth or constructing a custom bite guard to help relax muscles and relieve clenching or grinding with TMJ treatment in Waco, TX. Dr. MillerDr. Green and Dr. Hinds will help you find the solution that best matches your individual needs.

We welcome you to call or visit us today at Creekwood Dental Arts

To learn more and to set up your next visit.

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