"I Struggled With Self Confidence From My Teeth Injury My Implants Made Me Feel Better."
A few years ago, I was living in Ireland. I was living in Dublin, and I was on my way home and I was walking to the bus stop to take me to the airport and I was physically assaulted by two men who came up behind me. I didn’t see them. I wasn’t expecting it. And I ended up face down on the ground. So my teeth made contact with the concrete, and that was a very traumatic experience for me. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.
It was painful, it was traumatic. And I was lucky enough to have my friends there. And so, we went to the hotel nearby and they called the ambulance and called the police. And so I ended up going to the hospital to get checked out. And I decided ultimately that it would be best if I just got on the flight and flew home instead of trying to get treatment in Dublin.
It was painful, it was traumatic. And I was lucky enough to have my friends there. And so, we went to the hotel nearby and they called the ambulance and called the police.

Dr. Miller:
Brenna is a patient that’s been with me for quite a while. When she first came to me, she had been mugged on her way to the airport when she was overseas. When I first saw her, she was very bruised, she was still bloody, there was a lot of trauma to her mouth, a lot of teeth that were loose, she was missing two front teeth, significant damage had been done.
Dr. Miller:
Brenna is an amazing person. From the very beginning, she had a survivor attitude. She was going to get through this, and she’s done awesome. I worked with an oral surgeon who cleaned her up, made sure that there were no fractured bones or whatnot. So he did his part, placed some implants. And then she came immediately to my office and we placed temporaries on those implants. So she had teeth again and could at least smile even though her lips were cut and bruised. That made her feel much better, that she had teeth there.
Dr. Miller:

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